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حصريا لعبة Sacred 2: Ice And Blood

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مُساهمة من طرف زائر الأربعاء 11 نوفمبر 2009 - 0:01

حصريا لعبة Sacred 2: Ice And Blood Sacred11

The expansion introduces the Dragon mage, an additional main character, as well as interesting quests and stories that whisk the player away to new adventures in Ancaria. Moreover, the add-on contains two new, unique locations and previously unknown enemies, who will challenge action RPG gamers with unique tactics of their own. Add to that new in-game items for each main character of SACRED 2 – Fallen Angel, and plenty more useful, innovative features. Ice & Blood requires an installation of the original game.
The original “Sacred 2″ is required to play this game.

* 2 new regions – The blood-soaked Cursed Forest and the impressive Crystal Region
* A new character – Experience new adventures with the powerful Dragon Mage
* Character personalization – Choose one of 7 heroes and configure his or her appearance
* Carrier Imp – Call your carrier imp whenever you want and let him carry your treasures

* New enemies, items and end bosses – Collect new, unique items for your heroes, conquer the powerful Crystal Phoenix, battle against the horrible magical eye, vanquish the enormous scarab and experience much more…
* New gaming enjoyment – Over 30 hours of additional gaming enjoyment and adventure await you in Ancaria
* Extras: This box contains a large map with the new regions of Ancaria

Minimum system requirements:
2.4 GHz Processor
Graphics card 256 MB RAM, DirectX®️ 9.0c compatible, with Pixel Shader 2.0 support (from nVidia®️ GeForce™️ 6800 or ATI®️ Radeon®️ X800)
DirectX compatible sound card
DVD drive
20 GB free Hard Drive space plus mind. 600 MB free space for the page file
Microsoft®️ Windows XP (32 / 64 Bit) with Service Pack 3 / Vista (32 / 64 Bit) with Service Pack 1
DirectX 9.0c (included with game)

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]


حصريا لعبة Sacred 2: Ice And Blood 583725

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حصريا لعبة Sacred 2: Ice And Blood Empty رد: حصريا لعبة Sacred 2: Ice And Blood

مُساهمة من طرف The Bigest Hacker السبت 14 نوفمبر 2009 - 17:04

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The Bigest Hacker


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